Healing with Angels and intention setting

Sunday April 10th, 9.30am-5pm, Castlebar Parish Centre

a blissful day of relaxation and healing

Connemara-based Master IET instructor Ann Keenaghan invites you to take a day for yourself, to be nurtured and taken care of in a beautiful sacred space in the heart of Mayo. She will explain how each of the 9 Healing Angels can help in different life situations. She will guide you to reflect on how they might help you and then invite you to make your requests or intentions in silence. There will be lots of guided relaxation and meditation throughout the day, while Ann invites in Divine love, light, support, healing and guidance for the group.

Sunday April 10th, 9.30am-5pm, Castlebar Parish Centre | Map

€105. Includes teas/coffees, snacks and a beautiful workbook for your personal use.

Booking: Go to online shop here and select ‘healing angels’ from the shop
T. 087-6265613
Email: anntkeenaghan@yahoo.com